Biscayne National Park


Biscayne National Park is a national park located in southeastern Florida, near the city of Miami. Here are some key details about Biscayne National Park:

  • Location: Biscayne National Park is situated in Biscayne Bay, covering the southern part of Biscayne Bay and extending out into the Atlantic Ocean. It includes a portion of the northern Florida Keys.
  • Features: The park is known for its diverse marine ecosystem, including coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangrove forests, and a variety of marine life. The park consists of 95% water, making it unique among national parks.
  • Coral Reefs: Biscayne National Park protects a portion of the third-largest coral reef system in the world. The underwater environment is rich in biodiversity, with colorful coral formations and a wide array of marine species, including various fish, sponges, and invertebrates.
  • Wildlife: The park is a haven for marine life, and visitors can spot manatees, sea turtles, dolphins, and numerous species of fish. The birdlife in the park is also diverse, with various shorebirds and seabirds.
  • Activities: Popular activities in Biscayne National Park include snorkeling, diving, boating, kayaking, and bird watching. The park has a Maritime Heritage Trail, allowing visitors to explore shipwrecks and learn about the area’s maritime history.
  • Visitor Center: The Dante Fascell Visitor Center is the main visitor center for the park, providing information about the park’s natural and cultural resources, as well as educational programs.
  • Conservation: The park focuses on the conservation of its marine resources and works to protect the fragile ecosystems, including coral reefs and seagrass beds. Efforts are made to balance recreational use with preservation goals.

Biscayne National Park was established in 1968 to protect the unique underwater environment of Biscayne Bay. It offers a distinctive opportunity for visitors to explore and appreciate the beauty of a marine national park in an urban setting.

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